
i've added nearly 30 items to this minecraft mod i'm making...
all of this is being done on the fly. i sure love being inspired.


i have to do some stuff for my etsy. a listing needs to be fixed potentially and someone wanted an ipad version of a phone pack which is cool. i'm eager to get to it all but i got scratched by my cat on my index finger and it's still healing so drawing is awkward. it's so hot today too..

trying to get around to everything, but i'm sleepy (_ _ )⊹ ΰ£ͺ Λ–


so sleepy. had to take tylenol pm since it's the beginning of red week. which means intensive pain that makes me wish i coudl simply die and a lot of being super tired.

can't wait til it's over so i can do stuff.


mfw i want to make cute posts but im depressed and stressed out all the time.
i guess this is my more laidback/diary site though.
i'm pretty sad. i'll get over it, but it doesn't feel great. stuck between wanting to cry and being too drained to bother. wish i was working on the project i've been thinking about for months instead of being an eeyore.


...still thinking about bullet train a month later.


i want to file a formal complaint against whoever made bullet train. i just feel like certain things should've gone differently andβ€”


little over halfway through bullet train and i want to scream and cry πŸ˜€

fun movie! recommend.


i try not to vent too much on my sites, but i'm seriously goin' through it. i got supporter and haven't been able to do a single thing the entire time i've had it because of my mental and physical state.

i can do more now physically, but my brain hasn't caught up. don't think it will.


pushed through and got some work done today. not feelin great, but at least i'll have a few more pennies. thumbs up


time for another annual listen to one of my favourite covers on The Voice.

if anyone knows a singer who sounds just like this guy, plz let me know.


man, this papa roach guy sounds prety cool. 😁


does anyone else love that feeling when you're about to sleep? like, you're super sleepy you know it's unlikely that anything will get between you and falling unconscious within the following two minutes?


damn flareups. woke up and my hands and arms feel so wrong. it's more annoying bc i have to use them for nearly everything. why limbs? (˚ ΛƒΜ£Μ£Μ₯βŒ“Λ‚Μ£Μ£Μ₯) why?


allergies. my sinuses are not happy. i am so hungry, too. i want a sub, a burger, fries, or pizza so bad.

too bad everything is ridiculously expensive and delivery is even worse. :oD


been absolutely obsessed with this video. i let it play on mute and repeat while i'm trying to chill. it's nice.


> wake up and bathroom
> grab a banana and put on water for coffee
> exercise while waiting for water to boil
> make coffee
> sit down with breakfast ready to work
> there's no work

bro moment


radical af to have flare ups that render my hands and arms ridiculously painful and stiff when i want to work on coding stuff and need to do my job which majorly consists of keyboard and mouse usage for hours. even typing this hurts. incredibly epic.


watched episode 1 of the sandman. was pretty enjoyable. i'll be watching the rest of it.

also showed my sis the first episode of Hellsing Ultimate. guess she's got a new show to like. always good to spread the word.


wanted to listen to a song so i went to Spotify and the song was already highlighted. epic. thank you past me.


just checked. i can definitely lick my elbow. feels weird tho


absolutely exhausted. desperately need a pillow for my back. waking up stiff as a board with barely any energy is about as pleasant as having soaking wet socks on. release me from the cruel, grin-twisted maw of satan. ow ow ow


does anyone else like zero bars? they're white fudge bars with caramel, peanut, and almond nougat. i've been eating them a lot lately after recently being introduced. every time i have one i'm like "these are so cyber" because of the palette.


my memory is atrocious, so i often have blanks. decided i wanted some peppermint tea (hoping it'll calm the headache), so i went to use my lil gasone stove since my pot was still up there from when i made coffee. noticed the can wasn't in it even though i have no memory of removing it. it was capped and stored back in its box.

i may not remember shit, but i'll be damned if safety don't come first.


another day being on the verge of falling asleep. how did i have more energy when i blasted through two days? jesus.

i meant to do something today, but i don't remember what. think i was sposed to play WHF again. haven't messed around in the game in a while.


went to bed at some point. i actually feel worse than when i hadn't slept. bruno moment fr


i don't even remember when i was last asleep. all i know is i didn't go to bed yesterday after being up for some amount of time the day before. pretty sure i'm headed towards a crash. i want a sub tho


for the life of me, i cannot fix the pause and play buttons rendering as emojis on iOS. i am suffer.


my head aches so bad but i had to keep working on this page. actual addiction


hello world. this is my very first post here. cheers.

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`-./    \.-'   -Felix Lee-

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